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The Q!
It’s a Question of Leadership!

( A Weekly Newsletter for those who are inspired daily)

Welcome to The Q! by Russ + Blake!

These weekly directional words of leadership are based on the possibility of how we distinguish a situation and the words we use to lead us to be inspired, and take directional action. True leaders are actively looking for insights for continuous improvement, career development models, as well the “how to” create an impact for others.

The thoughts noted each week allow the individual to reflect, QUESTION, take action, and increase the difference they make for themselves and those they work with in modern organizations today.

It is not the answer that counts…but the QUESTION you ask as a Leader.

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Russ And Blake BlogMany leaders believe that they should have all of the answers in running their businesses, but the best leaders believe that they need to “ask better questions.”  How does a leader take on a more powerful role of “inquiry” versus a “dictatorial” role of managing?

The Situation Revealed behind Failure and Success

Tony Robbins has famously said that the best leaders ask the best questions. They assume nothing and know even less. They don’t pretend that there is nothing that they can be taught. They embrace learning, no matter from whom.

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Russ And Blake BlogHow critical of an issue is it to identify current and future employees equipped to expand with the company, as you can never have all superstars on your roster?

The Situation Revealed behind Failure and Success

Having the “right people” is an essential component to achieving business success.  Jim Collins in his book Built to Last, Successful habits of Visionary Companies calls it “having the right people on the bus”.  In our consultancy we frequently find a deficiency in the area of talent evaluation when it comes to hiring new employees. We have found that many organizations either have not employed, or are not aware of tools to assist them in finding people who are a cultural match.  They operate within the historical context of valuing the “requirements on the page”.

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The QUESTION isn’t who is going to let me?; it’s who is going to stop me?


–Ayn Rand