The Foundation

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The Foundation


Working together begins with three 90-minute calls: The Foundation Conversation. These calls are structured to overhaul the way you think about who you are. Very quickly, our work together will rebuild the context of how you work and who you are as a leader. What does it mean to be an authentic leader? What does it mean to artfully lead a group of people? These are existential questions.

The promise of the conversation is to cause a breakthrough in your thinking as a leader, and to provide access to the thinking necessary to create ongoing breakthrough results. Q-Max has developed a proprietary technology that provides access to the Source of producing results, which leads to this question: If you could tap into the Source of what it takes to produce results, what types of results would you produce?

The Foundation Conversation provides you with a new conversation that reaches well beyond traditional thinking by providing “new thinking” and by extension, new outcomes.

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Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.


–Charles Swindoll